Sunday, 2 March 2014

coursework lol

The connotation of this album are a picture of a golden statue of Robbie Williams. There is also his name and the name under the album. This golden statue suggests that he is very wealthy and that he is going to make a lot of money about this album.

The connotation of this album is a picture of Jason with a chequered shirt, tie and blazer he is also wearing a top hat. This means that he is sophisticated but the chequered shirt makes him look slightly casual
The connotation of this album is a picture of a bulldog. This could symbolise hearty British music. The yellow writing means that this band stands out and is different to any other band.
The connotation means the black on black means this band is discreet and are not a flash band. The no picture means that the band doesn't need a special album cover to sell. The album already world known.
 This album cover is grey with a bright letters. This cover doesn't have the bands name which could mean that the band are so famous that they don't need to put their name. The special detail could mean a small source can produce big produce


Really good piece of work with the right amount of detail and analysis. Well Done.

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